Search Results for: Post

Back Screening Post Focused Offense

Man Patterned offense that uses back screen to get post players position on the block. Download the PDF for Back Screening Post Focused Offense and view the animation […]

Post Isolation Play

Box Hi – Lo is a Post Isolation play with lots of movement ultimately resulting in your big man being free to operate without the […]

Double Flare and Post

Simple Man to Man Play with a double flare screen for the point guard and a screen the screener action for a big. Download the […]

Jazz Cross Screen Post

Point Guard dribbles out the 3 man on the wing 3 sets small on big screen for 5 in the post As 5 flashes to […]

Post Play for a Strong Post Passer

Man Set with an isolated post player and several cutter options.  Good set for a player who can score on the block or passes well out […]