Picking up where we left off on a past Hoop Coach post entitled, “Passes Per Possession-an Eye-Opening Metric”, we’re going to examine another aspect of that very topic.
Choose a game at random from last season and chart every catch your players make. Then decide and chart whether the catch’s subsequent action was acceptable or not. There are likely only four result variations:
- The player took a good shot or tried to make a sound play for himself or others.
- The player took a bad shot or tried to force a play.
- The player moved the ball in the context of what you wanted.
- The player held the ball to the detriment of the offense. You might want to record this length of time. Without a shot clock, this is an issue; with a shot clock, it’s inexcusable.
You may already know what your chart documented for you but you also might be surprised by the results. In either case, charting several other games might further confirm your conclusions.
As a basketball coach what do you do when the ball gets “sticky” in the confines of your offense? Share with other Hoop Coaches in the comments section below.